Tag: attitude

Kita Mindset: How to Stop Being Nervous

The Kita Mindset adopts the lifestyle and mantra of Kita Shinsuke.

A quiet and humble captain of a high school volleyball team. I found this character  when rewatching a sport series – Haikyuu.

“Someone’s always watching, Shin. The gods are everywhere. So someone’s always watching.”

Kita’s grandmother spoke the above statement to her grandson when he was a small child. She believed it was always good to always do the right things. Because “the gods” or someone was watching your waves

Her little boy believed his grandma’s words, transforming it to a lifestyle as he grew up.

Kita Mindset – Do it right and do it every day

This statement becomes a mantra for Kita Shinsuke.

Take care of your body. Tidy up after yourself. Practice gratitude. And you practice what you do.

You do it right and you do it every day.

This is how Kita adopted this mindset and became the captain of the second-best volleyball team in Japan.

Kita’s plays on the court were not polished but they were thorough. More importantly, his philosophy of doing it right made Kita to be a good leader. Kita brought out the best from his team members.

This leads me to talk about a new type of confidence.

Stop Being Nervous

The Kita Mindset – Stop Being Nervous

How to Stop Being Nervous

In a previous article, I shared how confidence helps people continuously stay at the top.

Kita Shinsuke developed his own type and always overflowed with confidence. This was not confidence that says that you are better than others. But confidence that ensures that you won’t mess up.

Kita brilliantly sums it up in a conversation with one of his players:

“I don’t understand why anyone ever gets nervous. You only get nervous because you try to be more powerful than you usually are, right? I mean, when you do day-to-day things like eat or take a shit, you don’t get nervous.”

The Kita mindset goes beyond volleyball. I believe it applies to life too.

Maximize your Kita Mindset with practice, practice, practice.

Practice well enough that you have reason to have faith in yourself.

An example would be a job interview.  From my experience and discussion with others, job interviews are easiest when you truly know what you are doing. As long as you practice a few answers to common questions, there is no need to be nervous.

If it’s something you can do during practice, there’s no reason to get nervous.

Practice and work on something. This can be work, a hobby or something you want. And if you do this, every day, you’ll feel…  great.

There is also something that Kita says that makes so much sense:

“Everything you do on a scale of one to ten. The Geniuses do from one to twenty. Other times, they do a more efficient ten. Or they try new things from A to Z.”

I think it is clearer once you realize this. So be humble enough to realize that the successful people simply do more each day towards progressing in their craft than you do. If you want more, you simply need to do more. And the results will simply follow.

When you have prepared for the big moments, there won’t be no need to be nervous.

Your everyday actions are what make you who you are. Results are just the side effects of what you do.

I’m basically built from my daily routine, and the results are nothing more than a byproduct. I don’t need any applause. I am just going to do what I need to do.

Do what works for you

Have the confidence to find out what works for you.

This is very important. If you feel what you are doing genuinely works for you, don’t worry about someone else thinking it wrong. When you develop confidence in what works for you, there is a feeling of peace.

You get things done so easily.

I like the way Kita also puts it after he becomes the captain of his team:

“The gods are always everywhere. That’s what Grandma would always tell me, but at some point, I stopped caring. It’s not like I’m doing this for the gods. Repetition, being methodical, and being thorough just feels nice.”

I hope you find the confidence to find out what works for you. When you find out (or if you have found it already), please do it right and do it every day.

The more thorough you are, the more pride you take it in… The more fun it becomes.

Life Truths: 13 Statements to Change Your Thinking

This is a list of simple life truths I found from a book – Habits of the Household by Justin Whitmel Earley. These statements reveal the simplicity and truth of living.

These truths should remind you on what life is really all about. No need to overcomplicate things. These truths might feel radical or religious, but the most radical truths are really simple ones.

Life Truths

Life Truths

  1. God is real. He loves you.

The Creator and Mastermind of the Universe loves you.

Everything happens for a reason. Every move you have made in your life. The freewill you receive to make your decisions. He loves you so you can willingly love him back.

It is because God cares for you.

  1. Good and evil exist. Good will win.

Light will always overcome darkness.

This is set in stone. You are salt and light, constantly facing the trials and tribulations in your life. Triumphs will be at the end of your tunnels.

Because you are good. And Good will always win.

  1. You are made in the image of God.

This is why man’s wants are insatiable.

You always want more.  It is why you want to leave a legacy and change the lives of people around you. This is the secret on why you crave to be appreciated and valued.

You want to achieve God hood.

  1. You are also fallen.

You are still human.

Mistakes will always happen. Imperfection and procrastination still creeps in. It’s the demerits of being human.

Your fragility is a result of man’s fall a long time ago.

  1. Jesus died for you. He also rose for you.

This is the celebration of Easter.

It was all because of you. He rose to eliminate your fall.

  1. God’s world is beautiful. We are tasked with caring for it.

The famous hymn – All things bright and beautiful perfectly captures this truth about life.

Keep appreciating nature and everything around you. Protect all things bright and beautiful. Preserve all creatures great and small.

You are the ultimate caretaker.

  1. Men and women exist.

You are not alone.

Fully embrace the fact that everyone from your family, friends to even strangers, has their own life story and experiences as vivid and complex as your own. Treat everyone equally with your full attention and respect.

It is why the Golden Rule exists – “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

  1. Families happen when we unite.

Family is not an important thing. It’s everything.

They are like building blocks of a healthy world; we should try to keep them together, and not topple them over.

  1. Prayer is real; it changes you as much as it changes the world.

Prayer is your key to God’s door.

When you spend time with Him in prayer, you realize how powerful and able and good God is and how much you need him. This equips you for the battles you face every day.

Most importantly, prayer does not change God. It changes you.

  1. Life is hard, but God is with you.

No matter who you are, you have had your difficult times.

Life is hard because the world is broken, with so many people trying to ruin it for you. There’s hope because there is someone greater than every hardship. This person is victorious over every pain, and he is ready to walk with you through hard times.

Life becomes easy when you are one with God.

  1. Suffering will happen, but it will sanctify you.

As the saying goes – What does not kill you makes you stronger.

By going through difficult experiences, you build up your strength for your next battles. Even researchers found that early-career failure promotes future professional success. Whether you like it or not, you feel more brave and stronger after facing tough situations.

There is value in failure.

  1. Love is not a feeling, it is a sacrifice, usually in small things.

Love is an action word.

Be patient, kind and do not be envious. Do not dishonour others or angry all the time – rather be selfless, calm, and ready to forgive anyone. Always trust, hope, and persevere.

This is what it means to love.

  1. God loves you, period.

Your good deeds won’t change that; your bad deeds won’t change that.

These are the life-altering paradigms that come in just a couple of words.

The rest of your life is about living these truths, so it will be powerful to find a moment each day to just say one of them loud.

Mindset Shift: Have a Resilient Attitude That You can be Proud of

Have you ever changed your mind about something you previously believed in? That’s what we call a Mindset Shift.  You have done this several times unconsciously or deliberately.

Maybe it was about which shirt you are going to wear to work tomorrow? Or it is something complex like how you now view success, wealth, and impact?

Mindset Shift

Mindset Shift

Mindset shifts can yield extraordinary improvements in performance, happiness, and even physical health. Additionally, they are perhaps the most important thing when it comes to adaptability and resilience.

Your mindset can empower or hold you back.

This means you must always choose the mindset that serve you best. The right mindset leaves room for curiosity and innovation. With the right mindset, you’re more willing to learn and try new things, leading to personal and professional growth.

To always be in a positive mindset shift, you must know what it means to have a resilient attitude. And always identify your current state of mind.


Two major mindsets are often explored in the field of psychology and attitude research. They are the fixed mindset and the growth mindset. These terms were popularized by the psychologist Carol Dweck.

  1. Do you have a fixed mindset?

This belief system assumes your abilities and intelligence are set in stone.

Start looking at your attitude. Listen to the way you talk. A fixed mindset usually shows up in your thoughts, words, and actions.

  • Do you easily surrender when confronted with obstacles?
  • Do you feel your efforts are pointless at certain times?
  • Do you focus on proving your worth rather than growing?
  • Do you feel threatened by the success of others?

Individuals with a fixed mindset believe that their abilities, intelligence, and talents are fixed traits that cannot be changed.

It’s possible you have had a fixed mindset in certain situations. It’s okay. Having a Mindset shift is a journey, not a destination.

  1. Or do you have a Growth Mindset?

Having a growth mindset approach means you believe that your abilities and intelligence can be developed with effort and learning.

  • When you encounter obstacles, do you see them as a chance to test your problem-solving skills and find creative solutions?
  • Do you remind yourself that every step you take brings you closer to your goals, regardless of the pace?
  • Are you focused on becoming the best version of yourself, not just proving your worth to others?
  • When others succeed, do you celebrate their success and use it as motivation for your own journey?

Individuals with a growth mindset believe that their abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication, hard work, learning, and perseverance.

You can’t go wrong cultivating a growth mindset.

A growth mindset, as opposed to a fixed mindset, has a profoundly positive impact on your learning, accomplishment, and personal growth. Cultivating a growth or adaptable mindset will help you focus more on your most desirable goals in life. It can influence your motivation and make you more readily able to see opportunities to learn and grow your abilities.

With a growth mindset, you can improve anything.

Having a Mindset Shift is Possible

It’s possible your mindset has been shaped by past experiences and the reactions you’ve had in certain situations. Ignore these past reflexes. Your mindset is malleable.

Having a mindset shift means switching from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. It involves developing a belief system that encourages you to love learning and be resilient in the face of adversity. It also means you must change specific behaviors.

You must undergo a significant shift in how you perceive yourself, your capabilities, and the world around you.

Start by doing this:

Use the Most Powerful Statement in the world.

Preparing yourself for a resilient attitude starts by defining yourself. Transformation begins with the declaration of your intent. Stand up tall and declare your intents aloud, whatever it is. A positive affirmation hack you can use is to start with “I am:”

  • I AM excellent at my work.
  • I AM excellent at my business.
  • I AM building healthy relationships with people.
  • I AM a blessing to others.
  • I AM completing my online course by 9 P.M tomorrow.

Edit and add your statements too.

Speak it. Let your mindset begin to change with these statements.

However, this proclamation of intent is not something you can do just once and expect miracles. You must do it repeatedly and accompany your affirmations with action.

Change your behaviors.

You must take responsibility for your actions, and not expect the rest of the world to understand what it takes to become the best you can become.

Here are the behaviors you must start doing to experience your positive mindset shift:

  1. See setbacks as learning experiences and chances to develop new skills or strategies.
  2. Celebrate your hard work and dedication, not just the end result.
  3. Seek out new experiences, take on challenges, and actively engage in learning new things.
  4. Acknowledge and celebrate your small wins, no matter how seemingly insignificant.
  5. Actively seek feedback from others and view it as a valuable tool for improvement.
  6. Seek out individuals who encourage your progress.
  7. Be kind to yourself.

When changing your behavior, you’re not in competition with others. You’re competing against your previous lack of ability, and any improvement is a win.

Use the APR Technique

McKinsey & Company popularized this technique. It will help you respond through your behavior, emotions, and thoughts in a way you desire.

APR stands for Awareness Pause and Reframe:

A – Bring Awareness to your present state of mind and recognize the impact it has on what you do.

P – Pause to make an opening where you can decide to take a different action

R – Use specific reflection questions to change your thinking and adopt a more helpful perspective.

Consequently, your deeply established mindsets that have been reinforced and repeated over years can be altered with consistent APR practice.


You need to put yourself out there, give it your all, and reap the lesson – win, or lose.  Greatness does not come from perfection; rather it’s the willingness to put yourself on the line as a way of life.

In actuality, no challenge worth taking on will teach you anything if you don’t give it your all. At the point of resistance, growth occurs. You become better by challenging yourself and discovering what is possible for you to do.

This is how you can have a resilient attitude that you can be proud of.