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Magical Life: Build in Secret, Celebrate in Public

Living a magical life is learning a secret recipe to success –  hidden in plain sight yet accessible only to a chosen few.

The ability to achieve in silence and celebrate in style can seem like a lost art form in a culture that frequently prioritizes oversharing and instant gratification. But this strategy not only has the secret to success; it also has similarities to the basic laws of magic, which, when applied to everyday life, open up a whole new range of opportunities.

A magical Life

A magical Life

Imagine if life’s strategies mirrored the art of magic, where silence speaks volumes and achievements are the grand reveal.

Two weeks ago, I read a newsletter that discusses the fundamental rules of magic that apply to life as well. I will share these rules in this article, but we will get to it later.

Just Last week Thursday, I saw a short article from Instagram that confirmed this theory:


Buy land in secret. Build the house in secret. Then do the housewarming party with publicity.

Date in secret. Propose in secret. Then marry in front of a crowd.

Let your haters only see your reality, never your vision, or you will have division.

In a game of chess, you don’t speak. You just act. The only time that you ever speak when playing chess is to say checkmate.

Life is like chess. Don’t broadcast your intentions. Act quietly.

Keep achieving. Your achievements are your checkmate.

In other words, you must achieve in silence and celebrate in style.


Become the Silent Conqueror.

The mindset of the “Silent Conqueror” provides a novel viewpoint in a world that frequently confuses noise for success. True success comes from taking deliberate, quiet action rather than announcing our intentions to the world.

When Apostle Paul said “and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and attend to your own business and work with your hands, just as we commanded you, so that you will behave properly toward outsiders and not be in any need,  I understand his words better now.

It’s often best to show your success before you show workings.


Interestingly, the principles of the “Silent Conqueror” philosophy align with the fundamental rules of magic, as outlined in the newsletter I mentioned earlier. These rules serve as a framework for achieving success through strategic silence and calculated reveals.

Now, these were the 4 fundamental rules of magic I got from the newsletter:

Rule 1: Do not perform the same trick in front of the same audience too many times.

By mathematical probability, you’re bound to slip and the trick would be figured out eventually.

Just perform it well one time and let them retell the legend.

In life, stop oversharing or constantly broadcasting your plans, as doing so can diminish the impact of your achievements.

Rule 2: A good performance is a dramatic one.

Creating a sense of anticipation and buildup before unveiling your accomplishments.

This allows them to have a greater impact and leave a lasting impression.

Rule 3: Choose your collaborators wisely.

You will often need at least one collaborator in whom you may have to entrust the secret of this trick.

In the pursuit of success, Choose your confidants and allies wisely, entrusting them with the secrets of your vision while ensuring they share your commitment to discretion.

Pick this person carefully and wisely.

RULE 4: Overcome the ego’s desire to be seen as smart by blabbing about the workings of the trick.

Be humble.

Always recognize that true mastery lies not in boasting about your methods but in allowing your achievements to speak for themselves.

This is perhaps the most profound of these rules.

Meditate on these rules and apply them strategically.


You are part of the elite, already steps ahead of the common masses.

Remember, real mastery lies not in broadcasting your intentions but in allowing your achievements to be your checkmate – the moment when your silent moves become loud victories.

So, embrace the art of silence, trust in the process, and let your actions speak louder than words. The world is waiting to be captivated by the magical life you create when you achieve in silence and celebrate in style.

Your goal is Silent Moves, Loud Victories.


Corrective Feedback: Give and Receive the Best Form of Feedback

Have you ever worked really hard on something, only to get a shrug or a simple “good job”? This is because most people lack corrective feedback.

We’ve all been there. But what if there was a way to get feedback that actually helps you improve? If you’re serious about rapidly enhancing your skills and achieving your goals, you need the best form of feedback. The kind of feedback that not only points out what you’re doing wrong but shows you how to fix it.

This article will show you exactly how to do that.

You’ll learn the different types of feedback, how to get the best kind of feedback, and how to use mistakes to your advantage.

Corrective Feedback - The Best Form of Feedback

Corrective Feedback – The Best Form of Feedback

The Importance of Feedback

The ability to gain immediate feedback on your performance is essential for your rapid growth.

Feedback is the information that aids in understanding what has happened. Feedback often works best when it provides useful information that can guide your future learning. To be the best at your work, you must be sensitive to which feedback is useful and tune out the rest.

This means you must always seek the best form of feedback when others choose work with little or no feedback at all.

The Best Feedback Starts by Sharing Your Work

Share your work to gain immediate feedback.

By exposing your work to others for inspection, you will gain unique perspective and insights on making your work better.

Now here are the forms of feedback you should know about.

The Three Forms of Feedback

There are three types of feedback depending on the context it was given.

  1. Outcome Feedback (Are you doing it wrong?)

This feedback tells you about how well you’re doing overall but offers no ideas as to what you’re doing better or worse (e.g., Getting an A or F in an exam). This type is often easiest to get.

  1. Informational Feedback (What are you doing wrong?)

This feedback tells you what you’re doing wrong, but it doesn’t necessarily tell you how to fix it. This kind of feedback is easy to obtain when you can get real-time access to a feedback source (e.g., a computer programmer and errors)

  1. Corrective Feedback (How can you fix what you’re doing wrong?):

This is the best kind of feedback to get.

Corrective feedback shows you not only what you’re doing wrong, but how to fix it. This kind of feedback is often available only through a coach, mentor or teacher. And sometimes, it can be provided automatically if you’re using the right study materials.

The best feedback is informative and usable by you when received.

How To Always Get Corrective Feedback

To consistently receive corrective feedback, you can follow these strategies:

  • Seek out coaches, mentors, or teachers: Having a mentor or coach who is an expert in the field you’re learning can be invaluable. They can observe your work, identify areas for improvement, and provide specific guidance on how to correct mistakes and enhance your skills.
  • Utilize interactive learning materials: Look for resources that incorporate quizzes, answer explanations, or interactive exercises that point out mistakes and offer solutions.
  • Participate in peer review or study groups: Join or form study groups or peer review circles where members can provide feedback on each other’s work. This collaborative approach allows you to receive constructive criticism and learn from the perspectives of others.
  • Practice self-reflection and self-assessment: Develop the habit of critically evaluating your own work. After completing a task or project, review it with a critical eye and try to identify areas for improvement. Then, research or seek guidance on how to address those areas.
  • Request detailed feedback: When receiving feedback from others, whether it’s a teacher, mentor, or peer, explicitly ask for specific, corrective feedback. Instead of general comments, request that they point out what needs to be improved and provide suggestions on how to correct it.
  • Implement feedback and track progress: Once you receive corrective feedback, make a conscious effort to implement the suggested improvements. Track your progress over time to see how effectively you’re incorporating the feedback and improving your skills.

Lastly, Let Your Mistakes Guide You

Take mistakes seriously, but never personally.

Always be wide open to every bit of information you receive about your work. Then develop the habit of attending to your errors right away. Don’t wince or don’t close your eyes. Look straight at these errors and see what happened, and ask yourself what you can do next to improve.

Your mistakes are the guideposts you use to get better.

Solo Leveling: See How Easily You can Level Up Your Life

The concept of “Solo Leveling” is a brilliant way to learn how to level up your life.

Solo Leveling describes a world where humans with supernatural abilities known as “hunters” must fight deadly monsters to save humanity from certain extinction. Yet, an extremely weak hunter named Sung Jin-woo encounters a mysterious program called the System which gives him the unique ability to level up in strength. And this is what Solo Leveling is about – A guy on a remarkable journey as he fights all kinds of enemies.

Remember what I told you earlier – You are the main character in your story.

Sung Jinwoo - Solo Leveling

Sung Jinwoo – Solo Leveling


Like Sung Jin-Woo, you are faced with your battles as well. The good news is Sung Jin-woo saved his world and became so powerful that he could defeat the strongest enemies easily without any help (sorry for the mild spoiler-alert). The supposedly weak hunter of his era transformed to a savior of his universe. And the steps he took in his journey are applicable right now.

And here is how the concept of Solo Leveling can apply in you in real life.

  1. Recognize that You are a “Hunter.”

The modern struggle:

Lone individuals summoning inhuman willpower, fasting, meditating, and exercising…

Up against armies of scientists and statisticians weaponizing abundant food, screens, and medicine into junk food, clickbait news, infinite porn, endless games, and addictive drugs.

– Naval Ravikant.

In Solo Leveling, hunters are human warriors who possess magical powers and use them to fight magic beasts and clear dungeons.

The need to improve yourself. Your constant urge to learn and develop your skills. Your desire to make money. The dream of having a better life. It’s the same as the hunters of Solo leveling.

With the same analogy too, you are a Hunter.

  1. Become a “Player”

Health, love, and your mission, in that order. Nothing else matters. – Naval Ravikant

The System was a magical program that chose Sung Jinwoo as its Player after his first trip to the Double Dungeon.

This Player Mode allowed him to learn more about himself and the world he was dealing with. It granted Sung Jinwoo access to instant dungeons to practice and level up his fighting skills. He learned how to store weapons and keep an unlimited inventory.

This is the same for you.

Learn the rules of the craft you are currently working on. Discuss with friends and family with good values.  This is what it means to become a player.

Evolution of Sung Jinwoo - Solo Leveling

Evolution of Sung Jinwoo – Solo Leveling

  1. Start Small

The important thing is to do something every day. It doesn’t matter what it is. – Naval Ravikant

By starting small, Sung Jinwoo grew up from an infamously weak hunter to humanity’s greatest hunter.

The System gave him lower ranked beasts to improve his strength and fighting skills and he got stronger facing more difficult enemies as time went on.

This is how Sung Jinwoo kept leveling up ceaselessly.

If you set your bar at amazing, it is awfully difficult to start – Seth Godin.

Give up worrying about the ideal approach or the ideal beginning. This keeps you from leveling up and putting in the necessary work. Rather, begin small, optimize, and mature over time.

Just start today.

  1. Fight Daily

There is actually nothing but this moment. No one has ever gone back in time, and no one has ever been able to successfully predict the future in any way that matters. Literally, the only thing that exists is this exact point where you are in space at the exact time you happen to be here. – Naval Ravikant

There is a reason that Sung Jinwoo was able to continually amass strength, eventually growing into the fearsome warrior that he is today in Solo Leveling

Even before he became the Player of the System, Sung Jinwoo spent four years going on dungeon raids to financially support both his sister and his mother. Sung Jinwoo continued to fight daily even though he nearly died on almost every raid he ever went on.

Intensity makes a good story. Consistency makes progress. – James Clear.

This is where Consistency comes in.

Consistency helps you get better at things. When you consistently work towards your goal, you are more likely to succeed. Taking small steps every day leads you towards something big.

Fighting and showing up daily leads to your Solo leveling.

  1. Face Your “Mini Bosses”

For every quantum leap in his skill set, Sung Jinwoo had to defeat difficult beasts who appeared as commanders, kings or monarchs.

In solo leveling, they called them “Dungeon Bosses”. Video games call them ‘mini bosses’, or ‘checkpoints.’ In business, we call them Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and In real life, we call them life goals or big desire.

Credit: A1 Pictures

Credit: A1 Pictures

If you don’t face your “Mini Bosses”, you get stuck in certain levels for a long time.

For instance, if you look back at any dramatic change you have had in times past, you will realize that you have faced your share of mini bosses. Whether it was passing an exam, a career change, getting a business grant, change of location or surpassing a sales target. You defeated this mini boss on your own or with the help of others.

Just learn to recognize these specific obstacles and understand that overcoming them leads you to your next level.

  1. Have an inventory.

As the story of Solo Leveling goes on, Jinwoo was able to store an unlimited number of items in his shadow.

With this ability, he could now extract any number of those items for his own use at any point in time. Sung Jinwoo stored potions and weapons in his inventory enabling him to always be battle ready.

Do you have your inventory?

To-do lists, Goals checklists, YouTube Playlists, favorite Books, Journals, mobile apps – these are among the things you have in your inventory as you continue to level up in any aspect of your life. The Internet and your devices have even made it easier to store and retrieve any of these items.

Have a list of your favorite power-items you can always use at any point in time.

  1. Create or Join a Guild.

Much of finding great relationships, great coworkers, great lovers, wives, husbands, is finding other people where your values line up. If your values line up, the little things don’t matter. – Naval Ravikant

In Solo Leveling, Guilds are structured collectives of hunters dedicated to raiding dungeons and defeating the magical beasts.

High-level hunters were actively sought after by the premier guilds, which also offer sizeable bonuses based on rank. Being a member of one of these exclusive guilds guarantees high pay along with increased security because of the careful and calculated planning that goes into each raid.

Guilds in Solo Leveling

Guilds in Solo Leveling

These principles of the Guild system are evident in this world as well.

Powerful people will always attract other powerful people. For instance, we have the Paypal Mafia, a group of former PayPal employees and founders who have since founded and/or developed additional technology companies based in Silicon Valley such as Tesla, Inc., LinkedIn, Palantir Technologies, YouTube, and Yelp. Locally, we have the Paystack Mafia, a group of former Paystack employers who have raised millions of dollars in funding or established thriving startups such as Grey, Chowdeck, Mono and GoLemon.

It is like how the proverb says – If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together.

To achieve more success and support from one another, form relationships and work together. Surround yourself with people who share your values and can support you on your journey.


To live a Solo leveling life, you must:

  • Recognize that You are a “Hunter”: Understand that you are on a journey to improve yourself.
  • Become a “Player”: Understand the rules of your field, prioritize your health, relationships, and goals.
  • Start Small: Begin with daily actions, no matter how small, to progress towards your goals.
  • Fight Daily: Embrace the present moment and take consistent actions towards your objectives.
  • Face Your “Mini Bosses”: Identify and overcome challenges that act as stepping stones to your goals.
  • Have an inventory: Keep track of your resources that help you stay organized and prepared for any situation.
  • Create or join a Guild: Build relationships and collaborate with others to achieve greater success and mutual support.

By following these seven principles, you can adopt a Solo Leveling mindset and lifestyle that focus on overcoming obstacles, building strong relationships, and improving yourself continuously to succeed over the long run.

Become your own Sung Jin-woo.