At the beginning of the year, (5th January 2020 to be precise), I posed this question to a popular Nigerian venture capitalist and investor on Twitter:
“Sir, as a young millennial just starting a career and investment portfolio; which investment plan in Nigeria could workout and pay off in the long game for the next decade?”
I never got a direct answer till today. But after some research, personal experience and interactions with other like-minded individuals, I finally found the answers. And this is what this article is about.
At the end of this article, you will learn six investments you can do right now and the direct steps to undertake these investments.
First of all, Investing is committing money or capital with the expectations of financial gains. In finance, it is defined as placing your capital in the hopes of getting profit from its usage or appreciation.
For the modern millenial like you and I, Investment must be a smart game. A game that is carefully leveraged with the right information and technologies to reap future benefits.
So here are six investments you can do right now in your twenties or thirties with the above perspective in mind:
One of the world’s richest men and the godfather of investing, Warren Buffett got rich through this type of investment. He transitioned from buying stocks of companies in his country at a young age to owning major shares and eventually owning some of these companies. Buffett got wealthy because of two reasons:
– The stability of the United States (U.S) Economy
– His consistency, discipline and due diligence
The second reason can be honed and developed over time but the first reason (financial stability) is only achieved in developed countries with strong economic background. This is why I am specifically about investing in U.S Stocks, not just any shares or stocks.
So the question is…
How Can You Invest in U.S Stocks?
If you are an American, the process is pretty easy for you. But if you’re a Nigerian (like me), you can’t physically walk into the United States Stock market to get started.
Nonetheless, today’s technology makes it possible to buy and sell U.S Stocks. Personally, I use a mobile app called Bamboo. Bamboo is a platform that allows you to use your Nigerian bank details to access these shares. They have a limited number of companies to buy stocks from, but it suits my investment needs so far.
I have also heard about similar platforms like Chaka, Rise but I haven’t tried them out. You can always do your research and due diligence. It’s also possible to find a more secure, faster and convenient way to buy U.S stocks if your research is done right.
Mutual fund is a form of collective investment where money from many investors is pooled and invested in various securities (such as stocks, bonds, treasury bills e.t.c.) under the direction of a fund manager.
In simpler terms, Mutual funds can be imagined as Pizza slices where you are able to get extra value (in this case, profit) usually exclusive to the table of the affluent.
Personally, I love mutual funds because of its stability, diversification and competitive returns. There is always a specific mutual fund that can fit your investment needs and risk/profit appetite.
How Can You Invest in Mutual Funds?
You can always purchase mutual funds from licensed and authorised asset management companies. For instance, I invest in mutual funds through Anchoria Asset Management Limited (you can find more details here).
As usual, I advise you to gather knowledge, seek guidance before purchasing mutual funds. Due diligence is also key here.
This is definitely the most futuristic and arguably a debatable Investment path on this list. Cryptocurrency is a digital currency based on a cryptographic system. For example, Bitcoin is a currency based on complex digital technology and solely traded on the Internet.
How Can You Invest in Cryptocurrency
Presently, I don’t have an investment in cryptocurrency (even though I used to have a Bitcoin wallet and dabbled in other cryptocurrencies too), but I have friends who get gains and preach the gospel of the cryptocurrency. (And I hope to join them soon. I am still gathering specific knowledge)
As a millenial, you have to embrace technology and the role it is playing in the modern society. Technology is accelerating rapidly, entering virtually all sectors of the economy. And Money will eventually be one of them. So endeavour to balance both your knowledge and experience before venturing into the beautiful world of Cryptocurrency.
This is not all. Do you want to know what the last three best investments are?
Your best investment is still yourself. Strive to be the best version of you. Invest your time, energy and resources in building your income, impact and influence. Because investing in yourself is the only way the other investments can grow and flourish rapidly.
How Can You Invest in Yourself?
Build relevant skills. Expand your knowledge. Do this with intentionality and purpose. Always remember to invest in your dreams.
When investing in yourself, the next closely related investment is building quality relationships with people. Why is this investment also important?
Because People own companies. People build businesses. People sell products. People buy products. People share knowledge. People teach skills. People develop technologies.
The closer you get the right people, the faster and better your chances of building a wealthy future. The closer you enter those circles of influence, the bigger your sphere of affluence becomes.
How Can You Invest in Relationships
Trust me, I keep learning to do this investment every day. And I try to build these relationships using the law of 33%:
– Spend 33% of your resources with people below you (your mentees)
– Spend 33% of your resources with people on the same level with you (your peers)
– Spend 33% of your resources with people above you (your mentors)
Your resources involves your experience, energy and expertise. Using this law, you get to teach, interact and learn from everyone you come in contact with. It also gives the needed balance in your relationships with people.
Here is the last and most important investment of them all.
Whilst you are young and agile, there is always the tendency to throw caution to the wind in a bid to enjoy the pleasures of life. That youthful exuberance. That boundless energy. I still pass through this phase every moment of my life and I have found out that a close relationship with God brings the balance.
Investing in a close continuous lovely relationship with God eliminates your anxieties and worries for the future. It also allows you to make peace with the past and be content with the present.
Note this down – You were created for eternity. And you are a spiritual being simply having an earthly experience. The investment with God enables you to enjoy both worlds. Savouring Today and Enjoying Tomorrow’s rewards.
How Can You Invest in a Relationship with God?
For me, I know God more by studying His Word – the Bible. I communicate with Him through prayers and I observed His marvellous works through the circumstances around me. All these are parts of investing in a relationship with God.
You can start with these principles and carve your path. A path that suits you. It’s a personal relationship after all.
“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, but lose his soul?”
Mark 8:36
Investments will always come with risks. No pain, no gain, right? But there’s one key factor I have highlighted throughout this article:
Constantly seek Knowledge. Because Knowledge is the biggest insurance against risks.
Acquire knowledge in the fields of investments you plan to venture into. Watch and ask from seasoned Investors in that field. There will always be mistakes, so learn to use your experience to maximise success and reduce future failure. Learn to take smart risks.
So that’s it.
In sum, Invest in U.S Stocks, Mutual funds, and cryptocurrencies. More importantly, Invest in your dreams, people and your relationship with God. These are the best investments you can do right now.
Finally, remember investment is a marathon and could be boring at times. But it always pays off at the end.
Cheers to your continued success and creativity.
Arinze says:
Investment… Investment… Investment… It can never be over emphasized, thanks Zamai for redirecting our attention to the greatest investment, which is with our CREATOR. Secondly, our investment with fellow men. Apostle Joshua Selman once said “Blessings of God, comes THROUGH MEN to men. The gift of men in our lives must never be taken for granted, no matter the status or postition of that man at any point in time. A shoe shiner could be holding the key to your breakthrough BUT you neglected his council because of his “status”. God bless you once again Zamai. Thou art blessed.
February 5, 2021 — 1:04 pm
Zamai says:
Thank you very much, Arinze. Amen. God bless you too.
February 6, 2021 — 4:59 pm
Ayo says:
Amazing article Zamai!
Everyone must seek to invest not just in their finances but in their relationships
August 5, 2020 — 11:57 am
Zamai says:
Yes. This is totally true. Thanks a lot for highlighting this, Ayo.
August 7, 2020 — 11:57 pm
Gabriel Onyebuolise says:
This is amazing! I didn’t see the last 3 points coming. It’s a great reminder to care about God, people, and yourself. Those are valuable investments too
August 5, 2020 — 2:30 am
Zamai says:
I am glad you totally understood. Thank you Gabriel.
August 7, 2020 — 11:56 pm
Joyce says:
This is a beautiful write up Zamai, very impactful. Thumbs up
August 3, 2020 — 12:17 am
Zamai says:
Thank you very much, Joyce. I really appreciate.
August 4, 2020 — 9:00 am
Einstein says:
Great write up man. Thumbs up👍🏻
August 2, 2020 — 1:32 pm
Zamai says:
Thank you. I appreciate this.
August 2, 2020 — 3:19 pm
Wisdom Nwaegidi says:
No better to write on this subject “investment” than the way you did mate. Thanks for always being premium with all your content.
April 23, 2020 — 8:49 pm
Zamai says:
I’m glad you understand the angle I came from. Great to have you here, Wisdom
April 23, 2020 — 11:53 pm
Otache says:
No truer words than this.
Nice read.
April 23, 2020 — 8:47 pm
Zamai says:
Know the Truth and it shall set you free. Thank you Otache for reading this truth.
April 23, 2020 — 11:54 pm
Akao Daniel says:
Thanks for this information sir, please always keep me posted on investments.
April 23, 2020 — 7:08 pm
Zamai says:
This is duly noted, Daniel. Thank you very much for the feedback
April 23, 2020 — 7:32 pm
Osamudiamen says:
I’m enlightened
April 23, 2020 — 6:53 pm
Zamai says:
I’m glad you did. To our continued enlightenment and success. Cheers.
April 23, 2020 — 7:33 pm
Lynda says:
Nice one, Zamai. This is an eye opener?
April 23, 2020 — 6:08 pm
Zamai says:
Thank you very much, Lynda.
April 23, 2020 — 6:11 pm
Isaiah says:
Insightful…thank you sir
April 23, 2020 — 5:56 pm
Zamai says:
You’re welcome Sir.I am glad you learned something too.
April 23, 2020 — 6:11 pm